Entries by JJ Desrosiers

Featured Newsline: Alliance & City Apply for Childcare Strategy Funding

Teaming up with the city of Durango, the Alliance is spearheading a bid for a $55,000 state grant to conduct a comprehensive study on the region’s childcare needs. This would pave the way for a holistic childcare investment strategy, addressing the challenges faced by local workers and families. With the support of key organizations, this initiative promises to deliver tangible solutions to a critical community issue. Stay tuned for updates on this vital project as it unfolds, shaping the future of childcare in our region.

Press Release: DIDF Funds RHA

The RHA has received a grant of nearly $1 million from the Durango Industrial Development Foundation to create a low-interest evolving loan fund to support local workforce housing initiatives. The Alliance will administer the fund, and is starting the application process for the Housing Catalyst Revolving Loan Program in late spring of this year.

2023 Annual Report

The positive impact of the Alliance can be felt across La Plata County; whether within workforce development, housing, or broader, the Alliance is vital to our community. Our assets and efforts have increased significantly over the past few years. This growth is proof of the direction the Alliance is taking. We have doubled down both literally and figuratively on our primary objectives. The result was a tremendous amount of progress and programming and an even stronger commitment to our stated priorities

Newsline: Catalyst Fund Round 2

Recently featured in The Durango Herald, we’re proud to announce the second round of the Housing Catalyst Fund aimed at jumpstarting critical housing projects. The La Plata Economic Development Alliance is thrilled to share the latest update on our ongoing efforts to tackle housing challenges in La Plata County.

Press Release: Catalyst Fund Round 2

The Housing Catalyst Fund recently concluded its second round of funding, marking a significant step in addressing housing challenges in La Plata County. The Catalyst Fund aims to provide critical early-stage funding for feasibility studies, environmental assessments, and site preparation to facilitate workforce housing development. This round, which saw seven applications and three awarded grants, included support for preservation projects, underscoring the fund’s versatility and impact. With over $933,000 raised, the Alliance remains committed to advancing workforce housing initiatives and fostering community resilience.

Agile Strategic Plan

As we embark on a journey into the future of economic development, the Alliance is proud to present our strategic plan that reflects our commitment to adaptability, innovation, and community impact. Over the past three years, our organization has undergone significant transformations to address the evolving challenges in economic development.